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Clubs & Activities


Create memories by participating in the Three Creeks K-8 yearbook. 

Contact the yearbook coordinator for more information. 

Michelle Rodenburg

Teacher Secondary

Student Council (Middle School)

Join the Three Creeks Student Council, meet new people and build leadership skills. 

Contact the electives teacher for more information. 

Marcel Martin

Teacher Secondary

Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA)

Contact a member of the GSA team for more information. 

Diedre Kelley

Teacher Secondary

Sources of Strength

Elementary school

The Sources of Strength (elementary school) members meet every Tuesday after school.

Contact the club representative for more information.

Sources of Strength

Middle school

The Sources of Strength (middle school) members meet every Wednesday during lunch and recess.

Contact the club representative for more information. 

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

The NJHS meets during lunch and recess on specific Fridays. Contact a member of the NJHS team for more information.

NJHS website

Rebecca Wilson

Teacher Elementary

Paige Zaboth
