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Library & Research


Library Policies

As a K-8 school, we want to inform you that students have access to an expanded, more diverse and mature library collection to serve the needs and interests of our middle school students. All mature titles are labeled YA and are housed in a separate section of the library space. You may want to have a conversation with your student about choosing books that match both your child’s maturity level as well as your family's values.

Length of checkout

  • Standard checkout: two weeks
  • Renewals: two additional weeks


  • Login to Destiny Discover from your school Chromebook to put popular titles on hold.
  • Students will need their student number and password.


  • Search stations are available to search the collection for books, find shelf locations or place a book on hold.

How is our collection organized?



Kindergarten - First

  • Picture books
  • Level 1/2/3 readers
  • Nonfiction books

Second - Third

  • Picture books
  • Series collections (Junie B. Jones, Magic Tree House, Stick Dog, Heidi Heckelbeck)
  • Nonfiction books

Fourth - Fifth

  • Fiction (graphic novels, historical fiction, horror, adventure, humor, realistic fiction, fantasy)
  • Nonfiction (longer titles) available digitally and in the library

Sixth - Eighth

  • Fiction (young adult, organized by genre)
  • Nonfiction (longer titles) available digitally and in the library

Digital Collection

Based on Three Creeks’ 1:1 environment, 31% of the collection is digital. Having approximately 90% of the nonfiction collection in a multiuser, unlimited-access, digital format allows students to quickly and easily access content for research within their classrooms or at home. 

It maximizes instructional time and also provides students with a greater amount of access to texts at varied ability levels in a discreet manner.